Saturday, September 26, 2009


Chad with Gerry & Donna on the way to visit with some of the teachers... note red earth!

Our apartment - we are in the top on the right of the photo

What our apartment looked like when it was being built

From our front verandah... beautiful clouds and hills in the distance

Wonderful African Honey... with an interesting label

The treadle machine I use at Tailoring Department


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures sounds like you are busy.
God Bless
jane & John Weiler

Michelle said...

I LOVE the label.. so funny!! Nancy, thanks so much for your honesty and direction for our prayers especially as it concerns the teens/children and what they have lived through. Will be praying for an outpouring of love and wisdom for you & Chad as you deal with this all...

AND a VERY happy EARLY birthday to you Nancy!!! Hugs!!

Anonymous said...

Good to know you are both doing well and to hear what God is doing. The accommodations look cozy and the view spectacular. Wish we could visit for tea and honey. We think about you often.

John W

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday.Have a GREAT DAY.

danielle said...

hey Aunt Nan!
Mom wanted you to know that she's been keeping up with the blog, but she can't seem to comment. She wanted to say happy birthday from our family!! I hope you're having a wonderful time. Please remember you and uncle chad are in our hearts and prays. keep the updates coming, and stay safe!
Love you lots.

Nancy said...

Thanks all for the birthday greetings and for your great comments... means so much to us to know you are praying and following along. Hope that last post wasn't too raw... it was pretty sobering and humbling to be in the midst.

Danielle, mention to your Mom that it may be that she is not using a gmail account but even so, if you type in the code word that you see when you post a comment. But tell her thanks anyway. I am so late with all my birthday greetings! Joe's & Stacy's are today, yours was a couple of days ago, Danielle, Cindy's was last week, and there are several others in our circle of friends and family all this past 2 weeks... I missed them all but for any of you that are reading this, please know that I was thinking of you on your day!

Jeannie said...

That honey is actually intended to put on fish, which happens to be labelled "Ihava Haddock." There, I know more about Uganda than you'd think.

Nancy said...

John and Jane... thanks so much for your encouragement and for checking in with us! Nice to see your comments

Jeannie, it sorta slipped my mind that you are so great with the punny things! Laughed right out loud! Thanks for that!