Sunday, October 4, 2009


Just a quick note that will interest the 2008 team members and others that remember some of the names of people we spoke of after our last visit that couldn't wait until the next post!  This morning after church we were leaving while the next group was entering, visiting with some, chatting, etc. and Chad saw someone he thought he knew.  He approached to confirm and sure enough, it was James!  Our foreman from the build team that came April 2008.  They got chatting and he remembered our team... remembered even our names (and John, he remembers you!)  His contract with Watoto ended last April.  He is still waiting to see what God has in store.  He knows God has a plan so he is waiting patiently.  We also met his wife, Leah and their daughter Lise!  We are not sure how old she is but we were thinking she might be less than 1.5 years.  Pray that God will provide a job for him.  His wife is working and he is at home with Lise, we think.  He will come to see us this week we hope and we will visit some more.  His face still shines when he speaks of God...such peace we saw in his eyes even though their situation is less than ideal.  He lives in the village at the bottom of the mountain.


alicia said...

so glad to hear that you got to see James! Miss you both, and praying that God would continue to guide your steps.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Maybe they named their daughter after Lise? Just a thought haha