Thursday, October 8, 2009


There are a couple of things I keep forgetting to mention on this blog and I wanted to do that now.  I think the reason they are coming to the surface now is because our trip is winding down and we are once again very much aware of those who gave so sacrificially and those who did such thoughtful things to make it possible for us to be here.  The last number of days when we mention to our new friends that we are now here for less than a week, they have been asking why we would only come for a month.  Of course, many of you know that right now our personal situation does not allow for anything beyond that and that this is the gift God has given us for this time. We will go home and see what else He has to say about all of this.  But we try to explain by telling them that so many have given so much to allow us to come (some think all Mzungus are wealthy) and that we are enjoying this gift from God and wait and see what the future holds. 

So, the two things are:  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE CARD THAT WAS CIRCULATED AND SIGNED ON THE NIGHT OF OUR SUNDAY NIGHT SENDOFF!  I didn't tell you that the first day we came to the apartment it went on top of the fridge and has stayed there reminding us of your love and prayers for us while we are here.  That was so thoughtful and has meant alot to us.

The second was concerning the last Sunday morning we were in church.  When I realized that additional dollars had come in for support after our target amount was raised, I was brought to tears by the generosity.  Susan said to me:  "Well, God must know that you will need it!"  That has proven to be so true.  A number of things have happened that we did not expect to have to pay for, some things cost more than we expected and all in all, we will have just enough to see us through to the last day.  God did know.  We are so thankful for his provision and faithfulness and for all who have been used by Him to bless us. 

We hope you find in our conversations with you when we return that the blessing comes back to you as you hear how your gifts have encouraged people here.

So, we are off to Jinga in the morning for a couple of days.  You should be able to find that one on the map as it is a bit of a tourist centre.  Tomorrow is Independence Day in Uganda and then of course we wish  our Canadian family and friends a Happy Thanksgiving on Monday! 

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

Dear Nancy and Chad,
We have so much to be thankful for and I thank God for the both of you. Because you truly blessed me with this last entry on your blog. It reminds me of what a great God we serve and just how faithful He is to provide for all our needs. Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. We'll see you when you get back.